
Shaped Ears

Shaped Ears (Uncommon)

Category: ✧ Ears

Unnaturally shaped ears, such as heart-shaped or lobed ears. They are furred inside and out like a typical lepitsune's ear.


Bat Ears (Uncommon)

Category: ✧ Ears

Bat-shaped ears, hairless on the inside and lined with ridges!

Wing Streamers

Wing Streamers (Uncommon)

Category: ✧ Wings

Wings sprout a single flexible "stem" at the base.

The streamer can have protrusions or shapes branching off of it as long as they all clearly come off the main stem.

Shaped Wings

Shaped Wings (Uncommon)

Category: ✧ Wings

Wings that deviate from the typical moth shape, and have geometric or dramatic silhouettes such as hearts or distinct pointed lobes.

Piscine Tail

Piscine Tail (Uncommon)

Category: ✧ Tail

A thick but tapering tail where the fur at the tip splits to form distinct ends, fish fin-like in shape.

Spinal Mane

Spinal Mane (Uncommon)

Category: ✧ Fur

A crest of fur grows down the lepitsune's back and/or tail.

Leg Feathering (Uncommon)

Category: ✧ Fur

The lepitsune has long fur growing from the base of its paws.

Gilded Markings

Gilded Markings (Uncommon)

Category: ✧ Fur

Markings with a metallic sheen and texture cover the lepitsune's fur. Limited to a total coverage of 30% of the lepitsune's design.

Glowing Markings

Glowing Markings (Uncommon)

Category: ✧ Fur

Markings that glow at will cover the lepitsune's fur. Limited to a total coverage of 30% of the lepitsune's design.

Antennae (Uncommon)

Category: ✧ Mutations

A pair of antennae sprouts from your lepitsune's head! These should resemble real-world antenna only, and should not exceed the length of the lepitsune's body.

Elemental Motes

Elemental Motes (Uncommon)

Category: ✧ Mutations

Elemental flecks and motes trail from your lepitsune's fur! Individual motes should be relatively small particules, up to a maximum size of the lepitsune's eye.

11 results found.