Posted 1 year ago :: Last edited 1 year ago by jaywalk

Hello!! Back again with another announcement, this one is just to clarify some things as we iron out the transitional kinks from moving over to Lorekeeper! Thank you guys for your patience!!

I just wanted to clarify that the rule about traded designs losing all monetary value has been removed and anyone is able to resell a traded Lepi directly, which we hope will alleviate some confusion or stress when trading designs.

However, the ability to add-on additional art value when reselling designs has also been removed. This is because we are not tracking purchased art value on the masterlist, and as a result this rule was previously very easy to exploit for scams or artificial value inflation of a design to bypass the resale cap - something we had personally observed happening, and in some species on a fairly large scale in money laundering schemes. Unfortunately, we just don't physically have the time to verify and track art value and thus have no way to safeguard people against scams utilizing this rule. We don't want scammers to feel welcome in the community, so we came to the conclusion this is the safest option to ensure that add-on art cannot be abused.

We understand that this may negatively affect some owners who cannot resell their Lepis for the same amount as previously. We're hoping that since previously traded designs couldn't be sold at all (which applied to a large swathe of Lepi designs), and gacha Lepis could only be sold for their original price anyway, that the lifting of the trade restriction combined with this rule change will still result in overall more freedom for people reselling their Lepis.

Moreover, you may still resell your designs in unofficial avenues such as on your own Toyhouse with the art price added on - what our rule means is that we're simply not hosting or sanctioning such sales on official Lepitsune hubs anymore, ie the Discord server or the lepitsunation dA group journal. Once again, this is due to the fact that we haven't verified any artwork add-on prices, so these sales become moreso "buy at your own risk" in nature and we would rather not host such sales. Buyers should be alerted that official Lepitsunes will follow the masterlist recorded price instead of the design + art add-on price, but we aren't penalizing anyone who sells their Lepi outside of the server in this way.

We also aren't penalizing any owners who made transactions that shouldn't have been allowed according to previous rules as the blame is on us for failing to follow up or record many of these transactions. These updated rules will only apply going forward.

In summary:

  • Lepitsunes, regardless of method of attainment, may be sold for up to the original sale price.
  • Adding on extra art value to the resale price is not condoned or allowed in official venues such as the server.
  • You may still resell/buy lepitsunes with add-on art value in external venues such as personal bulletins or trade forums, but we are not responsible for any issues that may arise as a result.

We understand that the species had poor organization and enforcement of rules since we had no publicly available masterlist, but now that we have one in place we'll be able to keep better track of transfers from now on. You may redirect people to this announcement if any issues arise, and if you have any further questions please either ask in the server or send a site ticket instead of DMing me on any other platform!

This additionally applies for any future Lepitsune-related issues, as it's been growing difficult to keep track of everything in my personal DMs and we would like to keep inquiries to official channels from now on to maintain consistency in handling them. So to clarify, general ownership and species questions that you don't mind asking in public & may benefit others can go in the #lepi-questions channel in the server, and any inquiries you'd prefer to keep private should be filed as a site ticket!

That's about it for now, and thank you for your understanding and time!


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